Hari ini kita mencar ilmu perihal Linking Verb. Mungkin banyak diantara BBIO lovers yg sudah mengerti perihal lingking verb. Tetapi tidak salahnya mengulang kembali. Linking Verb yakni yaitu jenis kata kerja penghubung yg menghubungkan subjek dgn complement (pelengkap) yg menerangkannya, dapat noun complement atau adjective complement & sering dipakai utk menggantikan to be & punya keterkaitan dgn sesuatu yg bekerjasama dgn panca indra (look, sound, smell, feel, taste) atau keadaan (appear, seem, become, grow, turn, prove, remain, keep, stay, go, run). Kaprikornus sangat berbeda dgn main verb yg dapat membuktikan agresi atau tindakan. Linking verb hanya sebagai penghubung.
Contoh Kalimat Linking Verb
John feels sad.
They keep healthy.
The soup smells bad.
This cake tastes delicious.
Rina looks very pretty.
The cat ran wild.
John becomes rich.
The music sounds loud.
After working for seven hours, a bowl of fried chicken tasted yummy.
The host’s voice sounds terrible because of cold.
We wish them be mature and smart.
The poem proved unreal.
The security was fired because he acted careless.
The boys were naughty.
Hal yg harus diketahui atau selalu diingat yakni bahwa Linking verbs selalu intransitive (tetapi tidak semua intransitive verbs yakni linking verbs).
To be juga disebut linking verbs, berikut contohnya:
- The crew’s mission is to create the best photography of Italy’s landmark.
- Leonardo said, “I am the king of the world.”
- I am the only one.
Di samping itu, BBIO lovers harus ingat bahwa to be juga tidak selalu berperan sebagai linking verb, contohnya:
- Riko was crossing a bridge when the earthquake hit.
- Shinta was feeling
Semoga klarifikasi perihal penggunaan & referensi linking verb ini dapat bermanfaat utk BBIO lovers semua.